Strike poses to represent your choices in some categories
- In this live studio task the contestants are instructed to write down examples of things meeting a number of categories (e.g. a sport or hobby, an animal, a colour, or a celebrity) and then strike poses to represent their choices.
- In one adaptation, the contestants have to strike a single pose representing two different categories simultaneously.
- The contestants earn points if the Taskmaster is able to correctly guess what their poses represent.
In this version of the task the contestants are instructed to choose and then pose as a sport, an animal, and a colour.
In this version of the task the contestants are instructed to choose and then pose as a hobby, an animal, and a celebrity.
In this version of the task, the contestants must write down and then pose as: a cool hobby, a funny animal, and a famous event. Only those contestants with the most correct guesses from Lasse win any points.