
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Strike a pose to represent an animal engaged in a hobby

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

On the board, write down a trendy hobby and a fun animal.

You have 20 seconds.

Your time starts on the Taskmaster’s signal.

Strike a pose portraying the animal you wrote doing the activity you wrote.

You must stay in your pose for the entire round.

The Taskmaster will try to guess which animal and hobby your pose portrays.

You may not vocalise or move once you're in your pose.

Best performance wins.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on stage, each with a clipboard and pen.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Jaakko initially guesses that Kalle is portraying “a cycling bear”, but then changes his guess to “a windsurfing cow”. Kalle is actually portraying an ice-swimming koala. As Jaakko was unable to guess any part of Kalle’s pose, he earns no points.
  • Jaakko guesses that Timo is portraying “a moose playing paddleball”. Timo is actually attempting to portray the exact phrase “trendy hobby and a fun animal”, as that’s what he wrote down on his board. As Jaakko was unable to guess any part of Timo’s pose, he earns no points. However, when Timo (jokingly) argues that he is the only one who correctly did the task, as he wrote down exactly what was asked, Jaakko awards him a bonus point for – yes, you guessed it – his “unwavering self-confidence”.
  • Jaakko guesses that Eija is portraying “a squirrel doing yoga”. Eija is actually portraying a skateboarding koala. As Jaakko was unable to guess any part of Eija’s pose, she earns no points.
  • Jaakko guesses that Fathi is portraying “a dog playing billiards”. Fathi is actually portraying a panther playing snooker. As Jaakko was able to guess part of Fathi’s pose, Fathi earns third place.
  • Jaakko guesses that Pirjo is portraying “a sloth performing aerial acrobatics”. This is actually completely correct, so Pirjo earns first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • Once again, Timo earns a bonus point for his “unwavering self-confidence”, despite failing the task.