
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Long-distance waffle-making

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Cook a waffle without stepping inside of the restricted area.

You may not touch the rope.

When you've cooked the waffle, serve it to Pilvi.

The best performance wins.

There is a bonus point for the most stylish serving.

You have 12 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task is found on a small table, on the lawn outside the mansion, alongside a jug of waffle batter, and various garnishes, including whipped cream and jam.
  • Nearby, there is a circular area, defined by a rope laid on the ground, with a waffle iron at its centre.
  • The power cord for the waffle iron is in no way hidden from the contestants, simply running directly out and over the boundary circle.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Eija walks around the rope barrier to where the waffle maker is plugged in, and uses the cord to pull the device out of the restricted area. She pours batter into the waffle maker, and sits waiting for a while, wondering why it isn’t cooking, before eventually realising that it needs to be closed for the waffle to cook. She covers her cooked waffle in whipped cream, and feeds it to Pilvi after 7 minutes and 30 seconds, earning second place.
  • Pirjo attempts to simply throw the batter at the waffle maker, but it does not land anywhere near it. She then fetches a rake from the shed, and hangs the jug off of the end of it, hoping that the rake is long enough to reach. When she realises the rake is not long enough, she returns to the shed and finds some pipes, which she tapes together to create a pipeline down which she can pour the batter. However, she has trouble getting the angle of the pipes right without them falling apart and, as a result, much of the batter remains inside the pipeline. Pirjo eventually realises that she can just pull the waffle maker out of the restricted area using its cord, and does so. With her time running out, she is forced to serve Pilvi an undercooked waffle, which she attempts to cover up by covering it with whipped cream and the wax seal from the task brief. She completes the task in 11 minutes and 55 seconds, and comes last.
  • Kalle goes to the shed and finds some pipes, wondering if they might be long enough to transport the batter to the waffle maker. After a few false starts, he is able to successfully rest the pipes on the waffle maker and pour the batter in. He then pulls on the waffle maker’s power cord to retrieve it, and rescue his waffle. He covers the waffle in jam and whipped cream, and presents it to Pilvi, after 8 minutes and 18 seconds, earning him third place.
  • Fathi runs to the shed and finds some pipes which he gaffer-tapes together, making a pipeline which is just long enough to reach the waffle maker. He pours the batter into the pipeline and it runs down into the waffle maker. Fathi is next seen using a rake to retrieve the waffle maker from the restricted area (rather than just pulling on the cable). In the time it takes him to do this, the waffle burns and sticks to the iron, forcing him to scrape out whatever he can onto Pilvi’s plate. Despite his insistence that food shouldn't be too “made up”, Fathi then covers the waffle in whipped cream and dollops of jam, and feeds it to Pilvi. Fathi completes the task in 10 minutes and 52 seconds, earning fourth place.
  • Timo reads the task carefully, then asks Pilvi to move the rope for him so he can reach the waffle maker. Pilvi obliges, walking the rope just past the waffle iron before setting it down. Timo then easily makes a waffle, and turns his focus to the presentation. He decorates the empty plate with a few dollops of whipped cream and jam, then places the waffle on top and presents it to Pilvi. In the studio, Timo credits his success to the North Karelian (Eastern Finland) tradition of “If someone else can do something for you, just let them.” Timo’s final time is not given, but he wins the task. He also wins the bonus point, which is – once again – given for his “unwavering self-confidence”. Pilvi does also confirm that Timo had made the best tasting waffle of the five, though, so this point was not unearned.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • Timo is awarded the bonus point - ostensibly for his “unwavering self-confidence”, but Pilvi also acknowledges that he made the best waffle.