
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make a karaoke video

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in a back room of the mansion, where is it laid on a table alongside a tape deck. The brief for the task is as follows:

Make a karaoke video to the song on the tape.

You may listen to the song from the Taskmaster’s audio device.

The Taskmaster expects the video to exhibit a sense of innovation and soulful expression.

You have 15 minutes.

The best video wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • In the corner of the room, there is a green screen and a spotlight.
  • The task brief uses the word ‘sieluka’, meaning ‘soulful’. This word is used in contest of expression and deep feeling, and has no relation to soul music.
  • The song provided for thei karaoke videos is Irwin Goodman’s 1972 song Las Palmas.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • The only thing shown of Pirjo’s preparation is of her donning a cowboy hat, a loud jacket, and a strip of tape to act as a moustache. She also gathers some gravel from the front of the house. Pirjo’s video is set against a beach landscape backdrop, with Pirjo performing actions such as pretending to mix something in a bowl, and sprinkling gravel in front of herself. In the studio, Jaakko asks if Pirjo’s plan was to just illustrate the song lyrics in video form. If this was true, then the edit was not kind to Pirjo, as her actions did not always line up with the lyrics of the song, and just seemed random. Jaakko awards everyone first place, but also awards Pirjo 3 bonus points for trusting in her own charisma enough to be alone in her video.
  • Kalle listens to the entire song, and informs Pilvi that he will develop a character who has resided in Las Palmas for some time. He even goes so far as to rub watercolour paints on his face, and in his hair, to give his character a more sunburned look. He insists that he’s not making a karaoke video, but rather a documentary about “the mindscape of a travelling Finnish man”. Kalle’s video is set against a beach bar backdrop, where he takes several shots from a tray of drinks, then lip-syncs the song. Jaakko awards everyone first place, but also awards Kalle 3 bonus points for trusting in his own charisma enough to be alone in his video.
  • Timo listens to five seconds of the song and immediately stops playing it, insisting (in irritation) that he’s heard enough of the song already. He gathers some items from the shed and heads for the water, explaining his plan to Pilvi and the camera crew. Timo’s video takes place at the water’s edge, where he is wearing a large, beaded necklace, no shirt, and flippers. The highlight of his video is a slow-motion shot of himself in a short pile of reeds, shot at such an angle that he appears to be walking through taller reeds. He enters the water and climbs out onto the dock, where he meets Pilvi. Timo then kneels and presents Pilvi with a crown, singing the final chorus of the song. Jaakko awards everyone first place, but also awards Timo two bonus points, “for the props and other stuff”, an additional bonus point for his continued “unwavering self-confidence” (just as he did in the previous task), and yet one more bonus point for telling the story of musician Pave Maijanen, during his defence of his music video.
  • Fathi states that karaoke videos never make any sense, and points to Michael Jackson’s Black or White music video as an example. He also insists that outfit changes are very important in karaoke videos. Fathi lists a series of seemingly random scenes that he wants to play on the green screen, adding to his insistence that karaoke videos don’t actually make sense. His video involves both himself and Pilvi awkwardly dancing, and occasionally changing costumes. Fathi’s video is a mess because. for some reason, he insists that the entire thing needs to be done in a single attempt, so the two pf them changing clothes and figuring out what to do for each part of the song is generally what is seen on screen. At one point, instead of singing the hook ‘Oh, Las Palmas’, Fathi sings “Olof Palme”, referencing a Swedish politician whose 1986 assassination was not officially solved until 2020. When Jaakko asks if Fathi knows something about the case that the Swedish police did not, Fathi replies that he genuinely thought the lyric was ‘Olof Palme’, as he'd never heard the song before. Jaakko awards everyone first place, but also awards Fathi two bonus points, “for the props and other stuff.”
  • Eija casts Pilvi as the main character in her karaoke video. She and Pilvi head to the nearby dock, where Eija partially choreographs a routine for Pilvi (but also says that Pilvi can just improvise). Pilvi replicates Eija’s dancing – which is mainly just large sweeps of her arms, somewhat reminiscent of a palm tree – though Eija does come up with some other novel moves off-camera, which Pilvi replicates on the dock. Jaakko awards everyone first place, but also awards Eija a bonus point for her “excellent directing”.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • Everyone is declared joint winners of the task, but then Jaakko assigns a variable number of bonus points to them, for various reasons (including Timo's obligatory bonus point for “unwavering self-confidence”).