
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mislead the Taskmaster about the contents of your case

  • In this live studio task the contestants must attempt to mislead the Taskmaster about what is contained within a briefcase or suitcase they carry across the stage.
  • The contestants' options for the contents of the case mean that the case is either very heavy, or very light.

Original version

Task types:

In this version of the task, the contestants are given an option of carrying a briefcase full of onions, or an empty briefcase.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, the contestants have the option of filling their suitcase with balloons or bricks.
In this version of the task, the contestants are given an option of carrying a briefcase full of onions, or an empty briefcase.
In this version of the task, the contestants have the option of filling their suitcase with balloons or bricks.