
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Suitcase full of bricks, or suitcase full of balloons?

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Pack five balloons or five bricks, then place the bag on the marker.

If Babben guesses the correct contents, you get no points.

If she guesses incorrectly, you get three points.

You have 100 seconds to pack.

Your time starts on David’s signal.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up behind a waist-high red curtain on stage, each with a suitcase.
  • They are all provided with five bricks and five balloons, which they must choose between packing in their suitcase.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Marko walks across the stage with small steps, grunting with apparent effort. He groans louder to cover the sound of the suitcase being placed on the marker. Babben acknowledges that Marko is overselling the case’s weight, but believes it to be a double-bluff, and that the suitcase really does contain bricks. She turns out to be correct, and so Marko earns no points.
  • Nikki groans and takes small steps while moving, lamenting that she chose to wear heels during the task, and that she hasn’t taken the time to weight train. Babben guesses that the suitcase contains balloons. She turns out to be incorrect, so Nikki earns three points.
  • Marcus walks at a normal pace across the stage. When he reaches the marker, he throws the suitcase into the air, catches it, and slams it down onto the marker. Babben guesses that the suitcase contains balloons. She is technically correct, as Marcus has put five popped balloons and his own cowboy hat in the suitcase. Marcus therefore earns no points.
  • Henrik runs across the stage and carefully places the suitcase onto the marker. Babben guesses that the suitcase contains bricks, and Henrik replies that he has actually forgotten which he chose. Babben turns out to be correct, so Henrik earns no points.
  • Linnéa walks carefully across the stage, concentrating on keeping the suitcase as still as possible. She places the suitcase slowly and carefully onto the marker, using her body to shield it as much as possible from Babben’s view. Babben guesses that the suitcase contains bricks. She turns out to be incorrect, so Linnéa earns three points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)