
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sort the coloured sweets

  • In this task, the contestants are provided with a large bowl full of multi-coloured sweets, and a number of smaller bowls which are colour-coded in line with the sweets, and are instructed to sort them 'correctly'.
  • There is actually no correct interpretation of how they must be sorted, but the contestants' solutions must work within whatever rule they have decided for themselves.
  • In some versions of the task, the contestants are given a second thing that they must think about while doing this, to complicate matters.

Original version

In this version of the task, the only challenge is to sort the sweets by whatever system each contestant decides upon.


In this version of the task, the contestants must also greet Mark using a new name and profession every time he rings his service bell.