
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Convince the kid(s) that you’re the coolest

  • In this task, the contestants are instructed to convince one or more kids that they are the coolest contestant.
  • In some versions, they must impress a group of pre-teen kids, while in others there is a single teenager to convince.

Original version

Task types:

In this version of the task, the contestants are judged by a group of four children.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, there are three children sitting in judgment of the contestants.
In this version of the task, there is only one kid to impress, but they are a teenager rather than a pre-teen.
In this version of the task, there is only one kid to impress, and they are a teenager rather than a pre-teen.