
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw weapons at your best friend

  • In this follow-up task to the 'Turn a dummy into your best friend' task, the contestants are forced to throw weapons at their best friend dummies in order to achieve a goal (e.g. knocking an apple off their head, or bursting some balloons).
  • The contestant who achieves the goal with the fewest attempts wins.

Original version

In this version of the task, the contestants must knock an actual apple off of the head of their dummy best friend, using items from a supplied armoury of weapons.


In this version of the task, the contestants must try to burst three balloons which are attached to a knife-throwing target, to which their best friend has also been attached. Each weapon available from David’s armoury has a different cost, measured in ‘attempts’.