Episode 8: Best friends

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the best thing the Taskmaster has never seen before, turn a dummy into their best friend, bring their doppelganger into the studio, find and complete the real task, knock an apple off of their best friend's head, and draw a self-portrait while playing tag.
Title context
Jeremy Wells uses the phrase 'best friends' multiple times when talking to Kura Forrester during the 'Turn a dummy into your best friend' task.
Taskmaster Intro
Kia ora koutou. Welcome to the television show Taskmaster. My name is Jeremy Wells, and like the Queen Street Santa, I spend 10 months of the year stuffed in a broom cupboard, only to be wheeled out, have my good eyes stuck back on, and put up here to leer down on all of you as the Taskmaster. And as always, I have five Christmassy little elves running around doing trivial tasks, all hoping to earn my admiration and, ultimately, my golden head. There it is there. Look at it.
Note: 'Kia ora koutou' is Māori for 'Hello everyone'.
Assistant Intro
To my left is my very own Rudolph, with his lovable red nose and penchant for being ostracised by his peers... my sleigh guider, Paul Williams.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
That's our show. We've seen best friends come and go, and a collection of five Auckland personalities more desperate to be on TV than our usual five. And we've seen that our winner tonight, of course, is Chris Parker!
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Episode stats

Episode scores
Edward appeared as Justine Smith's doppelganger during the 'Find your doppelganger' task.
Bree appeared as Kura Forrester's doppelganger during the 'Find your doppelganger' task.