Pop the balloons with weapons from David’s arsenal

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is in David’s possession, on the driveway, near the caravan. The brief for the task is as follows:
Pop the three balloons, aided by the things in David’s arsenal.
Whoever pops all three balloons in the fewest attempts wins.
You may not step in front of the marking.
You may not move the marking.
You have 30 minutes.
Your time starts on David’s signal.

Task notes
- A cabinet has been set up behind the caravan, labelled ‘David’s arsenal’.
- As David opens the cabinet, a bunch of smoke spills out of it, initially making it hard to see its contents.
- In a similar way to the ‘Pop the balloon’ task, each weapon available from the arsenal has a different price. However, the prices in this case are measured in ‘attempts’:
- Fork: 1 attempt
- Throwing knife: 3 attempts
- Axe: 5 attempts
- Spear: 10 attempts
- Hay fork: 15 attempts
- Bow and arrow: 20 attempts
- Mace: 25 attempts
- Air rifle: 50 attempts (with the restriction that the contestants may make a maximum of two shots with it)
- Next to the caravan, there is a rope strung between two stanchions, from behind which the contestants must throw their weapons.
- Some distance away, the contestant’s best friend from a previous task in the episode has been mounted on a knife-throwing target, with three balloons also attached to the target around them.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!