Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!
Here are the results we found on TMI for your search query.
Task: See no potato, hear no potato, speak no potato (Taskmaster UK)
Task: See no potato, hear no potato, speak no potato (Bäst i Test)
Task: See no potato, hear no potato, speak no potato (Het Grootste Licht)
Task: Transport the milk (Taskmaster NZ)
Task: Get this feather into the bath (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Get the giraffe in the bath (Taskmaster AU)
Task: Put the most sand in the shopping trolley / Sabotage your team (Le Maître du Jeu)
Task: Place the bag of salt on the table (Le Maître du Jeu)
Task: Put the clown nose and wig on Atle’s bust (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Bring the cow to the pool (Bäst i Test)
Task: Place the bag of salt on the table (Taskmaster PT)