
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bread something exclusive

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bread something exclusive.

Most exclusive breaded item wins.

You have eight weeks.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Linda warns Lasse not to put anything from her dish into his mouth. Linda breads some money that has the phone number of a ‘she-male’ she met in a bar in Thailand in 2011, who mistakenly thought Linda was a man. Lasse says that he believes that the phone number is not as exclusive as Linda might believe, and awards her fourth place.
  • Tobias says he pondered on the definition of ‘exclusive’, and settled on ‘gaining access where others do not have access’. He breads a Danish passport – specifically, his own passport. Lasse awards Tobias first place.
  • The thing Sofie breads is very small; Lasse almost accidentally eats the whole thing. When Sofie realises Lasse is about to eat her breaded item, she sticks her fingers into Lasse’s mouth to retrieve it. Sofie reveals she has breaded the most exclusive pea: the only pea that Lasse Rimmer has sat on. When Lasse says he does not remember sitting on any peas, Sofie shows photographic proof that she taped the pea under the Stormester throne at the studio. Sofie says that she had a difficult time getting it together. She first contacted Lasse’s wife – but he got divorced, so the ex-wife cannot help. She then contacted Lasse’s radio co-host – but Lasse quit his job, so the co-host cannot help. At that point, Sofie says she decided to do the work herself and set up the pea under the Stormester throne. Lasse awards Sofie second place.
  • Simon breads a Kinder egg, inside which is a shot of the first batch of salted caramel moonshine whisky that Simon has made. Lasse reveals that he has his own personal whisky at home (it’s unclear if he means he prefers certain brands to the exclusion of all others, or that he has his own recipe made for him and delivered), so awards Simon third place.
  • Jonas has many breaded items on his plate. He reveals that it is a five course meal from an expensive French bistro called Pastis, consisting of oysters, fried turbot in lobster bisque, tartar, veal briskets, and lemon pie with some sort of ice cream. As the bistro is located in Copenhagen, and is open most of the year, Lasse does not find it particularly exclusive, and awards Jonas last place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)