Find the smallest fish

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Find a fish.
Whoever finds the smallest fish wins.
Once you touch a fish, you may not touch another fish.
You have one minute.
If you do not have a fish when the time is up, you get no points.

Task notes
- This task was introduced with a graphics segment, in the style of one of the usual 'Middle of the show' segment tasks, and was titled 'Minst lutfisk vinner' ['Smallest lutfisk wins']. Lutfisk is a type of fish traditionally eaten at Christmas.
- David hides four fish of varying sizes around the stage, which is decorated to look like a living room complete with Christmas dining table and a tree with presents under it.
- The smaller the fish, the greater the points awarded for finding it.
Task stats


Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.