The Presidential blockbuster

Task types:

Task briefs
The contestants find the task brief on the desk in the study, stuck in a pile of powdered cement. The briefs for the task are as follows:
To Chris:
Create a 30 second scene from a blockbuster.
You must play the main character, and that character must be the President.
The President must wear the provided costume.
Your scene must start in the study with a crash zoom out of your mouth.
Your scene must end with you drinking a cup of tea at the bar.
Most blockbusting scene wins.
You have 45 minutes.
Your time starts now.
To Paul:
Create a 30 second scene from a blockbuster.
You must play the main character, and that character must be the President.
The President must wear the provided costume.
Your scene must start with you drinking a cup of tea at the bar.
Your scene must end with you doing a forward roll in the field.
Most blockbusting scene wins.
You have 45 minutes.
Your time starts now.
To Kura:
Create a 30 second scene from a blockbuster.
You must play the main character, and that character must be the President.
The President must wear the provided costume.
Your scene must start with you doing a forward roll in the field.
Your scene must end with you answering a phone call as you enter a car.
Most blockbusting scene wins.
You have 45 minutes.
Your time starts now.
To Justine:
Create a 30 second scene from a blockbuster.
You must play the main character, and that character must be the President.
The President must wear the provided costume.
Your scene must start with you ending a phone call in a car.
Your scene must end with you biting an apple in the caravan.
Most blockbusting scene wins.
You have 45 minutes.
Your time starts now.
To Josh:
Create a 30 second scene from a blockbuster.
You must play the main character, and that character must be the President.
The President must wear the provided costume.
Your scene must start with you biting an apple in the caravan.
Your scene must end with a crash zoom into your mouth.
Most blockbusting scene wins.
You have 45 minutes.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
- Either side of the pile of cement, there is a small stack of breeze blocks, across the top of which is balanced a sledge hammer.
Task stats


Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!
- Chris was the President of the World, with a questionable European accent, that left Earth for Mars due to the climate changing. He received 5 points.
- Josh was the American President who ate a poisoned apple so had to find a bath to receive the antidote, crossing a lake lying on a kayak to find an empty bath. He received 4 points.
- Justine had no accent and played a President who had to infiltrate the Evil Queen's caravan. She received 1 point.
- Kura was the President of America who had found themselves in a hostile New Zealand, with Paul as Samuel L Jackson standing over a button awaiting a specific word from the President. She received 2 points.
- Paul was the President of America who became the last trained gymnast in the White House, causing him to run through the field as he threw stuff at himself. He received 3 points.
(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)