
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Water the rose with fountain water

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received by the fountain in the garden of the Kongen Befaler house, where Olli awaits with a small glass vase containing a single red rose. The brief for the task is as follows:

Water this rose with water from the fountain.

Furthest distance from the fountain to the rose wins.

The task starts in 30 minutes.

You may not leave the fountain while the task is in progress.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henriette fills a water gun with water from the fountain, and figures out how far she can spray water from the fountain with it. She then places the rose in the top of a potted plant at the foot of the steps, and manages to just about spray it from her position at the fountain. With a distance of 9.9 metres, she earns third place.
  • Martha starts out completely stumped about what to do, and ends up taping a roll of bin bags together to create a gutter system that she can pour water down, from a watering can. Unfortunately, this gutter is pretty flat, so most of the water ends up running off the sides. However, a small amount does apparently reach the rose, so her attempt is approved. With a distance of 11.3 metres, she earns second place.
  • Espen opts to not try to move the water a long way, but instead to set the rose up at the top of a child's slide, and tied to a long piece of string so that he can pull it into a bucket of the fountain's water from a great distance. Using this method, he is able to get the rose into the water at the very end of the garden, while himself remaining on the edge of the fountain. With a distance of 31.4 metres, he earns first place.
  • Kristoffer first dips the rose in the fountain, and then pops it into a small vase containing some of the water. He then hops on a bike and cycles as far away as he can, while leaving himself enough time to return to the house. He plants the rose on the grass verge at the side of the road and returns to the fountain with less than a minute left on the clock. When Olli tells him that the 30 minutes is up and the task has official started, he is very confident that he has nailed it with his solution. It is revealed in the studio that he managed to get the rose 1.59km away from the fountain, which would have secured him second place. However, Atle judges that he watered the rose before the task began, which does not count, and he is therefore disqualified.
  • Live puts the rose in a small glass vase, which she dips into the fountain to collect some of its water. She then goes for a walk with the vase until she encounters someone in a car. She asks the driver to take the vase away with him, as far as possible, and then returns to the fountain. When Olli tells her that the 30 minutes is up and the task has official started, she is very confident that she has nailed it with her solution. It is revealed in the studio that she managed to get the rose 2.45km away from the fountain, which would have been a winning distance. However, Atle judges that she watered the rose before the task began, which does not count, and she is therefore disqualified.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)