
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Identify the person on the video call

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Find out who the person in the video call is without that person finding out who you are.

You cannot alter the screen or the camera.

The call begins in 10 minutes, and lasts 10 minutes.

Fastest to correctly guess the identity of the person in the video call wins.

If the person guesses who you are, you're disqualified.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the study, where teleconferencing equipment has been set up.
  • The individual on the other end of the call is David Sundin, who plays the assistant role in the Swedish version of Taskmaster, Bäst i Test.
  • David has been supplied with the photos and names of all the contestants, to help him identify them.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Eva puts on a pair of sunglasses, and a shirt over her head, to protect her identity. She uses a text-to-speech app on her phone to talk to David without using her own voice, asking him what his job is, but then realises that he is not speaking Danish. She then asks him herself what his name is and, when he answers, accidentally reveals her own name to him. She is therefore disqualified from the task.
  • Martin straps an American football helmet onto his face in a way so that he can see through the airholes in the top without David being able to see his face. He also puts on a different voice to help disguise his identity. He is able to establish that David is from Stockholm, and find out his first name, and that he makes people laugh for a living. He then starts making wild guesses about the name of David's wife, and what sports he enjoys. He runs out of time before identifying anything more useful, but Mark reveals in the studio that he also found out that: David used to play badminton; he does not work at a casino; that his children struggle with maths at school; and that he swims a fast 100m. Because he does not identify David, he earns no points in the task.
  • Simon initially wears a long red wig as a beard, and a hat shaped like a telephone, but realises that his Asian eyes are going to give away his identity, so he switches to covering his whole head with a blanket instead. When talking to David, he puts on a high-pitched voice, and speaks at least some Swedish. He is able to identify that David has won prizes for an entertainment programme, and that there is a Danish version of the same show, so initially guesses that David is Mads Steffensen's Swedish counterpart (host of the Danish version of the Swedish show 1 mot Sverige). His final guess is that David must be Lasse Rimmer's Swedish counterpart in the Swedish version of Stormester. Because he does not correctly identify David, he earns no points in the task.
  • Sebastian erects a barrier using a step-ladder and some fabric to hide his identity, cutting a hole in the fabric to peek through. He is able to find out David's name, and that he works in TV, on a show for which there is also a Danish version. He asks whether David is the Swedish Lasse Rimmer, and then whether he is the Swedish version of Mark. Unfortunately, David is also able to correctly identify Sebastian, stating that he could see his glasses through the hole in the fabric, when Sebastian opened it with his "sausage fingers". He is therefore disqualified from the task.
  • Julie sits underneath the desk and whispers her questions to Mark, for him to relay to David. She is able to find out that David is a comedian, and has appeared on the TV show , and then gets him to disclose that the show is very similar to Stormester. She then discovers that David holds the same role ("slave") as Mark does, before trying to offer him Mark's role on Stormester. Fortunately for Julie, David incorrectly guesses that she is Simon. She therefore wins the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)