
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the longest-lasting marble run

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the study, where a glass ball is laid upon a small wooden plinth. The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the glass ball roll for the longest time.

You may not affect the glass ball after you have initiated the roll.

You have 30 minutes to prepare, and one attempt.

Before you initiate the roll, you must say 'We're rolling'.

Longest lasting roll wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Eva decides that she is going to build a slope for the ball to roll down, but gets fixated on the idea that it must be built from milk cartons. She has Mark cut a wheelbarrow full of milk cartons in half, while she fastens them together using tape, clothes pegs, and paper clips, creating a cardboard chute down the steps in the garden. She then places the glass ball at the top of the chute, and tries to wash it down the chute by pouring all the milk from the cartons down it from a large bucket (while Mark sits at the bottom, for some reason wielding a leaf-blower). Unfortunately, the ball only makes it as far as the second step, and her time is recorded as 2.32 seconds, earning her fourth place.
  • Sebastian quickly decides that he is going to roll the ball down the ski slop at the Amager Bakke combined energy plant and recreational facility in Copenhagen. He wraps the ball in cotton wool and tape to protect it, and flings it from the top of the slope. It rolls a long way down the slope before coming to a stop after 58 seconds, earning him second place.
  • Martin initially asks Mark whether he will keep the ball moving for him. When he declines, Martin tries to bribe him with beef stroganoff. Starting on the driveway of the house, Martin rolls the ball with his hand, then has Mark keep it moving with his feet. They make it onto and down the road for some distance before Martin finally stops the ball himself. In the studio, Lasse is unwilling to accept the argument that Martin was not affecting the ball directly by bribing Mark, and accepts only the length of the ball's roll up to the point where Mark first touched it. This gives Martin a roll of just 1.2 seconds, earning him last place.
  • Simon decides to place the ball in a basin full of water, and then use a wooden spoon inserted into a drill to cause the water to circulate, thus making the ball roll around within it. In the studio, Lasse is unwilling to accept the argument that Simon was not affecting the ball directly by operating the drill, and accepts only the length of the ball's roll up to the point where he turns it on. This gives Simon a roll of just 2.4 seconds, earning him third place.
  • Julie goes looking for something that will keep the ball rolling longer than just a series of pipes, and finds a tumble dryer inside a tent, on the grounds of the Stormester house. Dropping the ball into its drum, she sets it on its longest programme, switches it on, and runs away. In the studio, Lasse accepts that her solutions remains within the rules of the task. Her total time (not given) earns her first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)