
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Something that makes Olli more attractive than Bård

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in something that makes Olli more attractive than Bård.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Karin brings in a shark's tooth necklace, which she says can make anyone seem much less attractive. She asks Bård to remove his jacket and unbutton his shirt a little, so he can put it on to demonstrate. Bård awards her fourth place.
  • As Lars reaches down to unveil what is beneath his red cloth, a young woman (possibly Hedda, a member of the production team who appeared previously during a prize task submission by Live Nelvik, in season 6) walks onto the stage, asking if he can help her, since she's having a terrible day and needs someone to talk to. After she specifies that she needs to talk to someone empathetic, who isn't focused on money and status, doesn't have an annoying accent, doesn't have erotic dreams about themself, and isn't selfish, Lars suggests that she speak to Olli (rather than Bård). Bård points out that the task was to make Olli more attractive, not to insult Bård on prime-time TV. He awards Lars third place.
  • Vidar brings in two images he has created, with the help of the Midjourney AI. He says that he gave the AI photos of both Bård and Olli, and then he gave it prompts to render the two men in ways to make Olli appear much more attractive, and Bård to appear much less attractive. For Olli, his prompt for Midjourney was "Really handsome warrior Olli stands in front of a vague coat of arms together with his friend, a dragon, who just made it into the picture in time." For Bård, his prompt was "Bård Ylvisåker, a man with insanely low self-esteem, after his book, Us with low self-esteem - a self-help book, didn't sell at all, sitting in the warehouse with all his unsold self-help books with only a little turtle to comfort him." Bård awards him second place.
  • Hani brings in a bottle of vodka, stating that alcohol is one thing that she has noticed has led to many of her very pretty friends ending up in relationships with unattractive men. She suggests that Olli will become much more attractive, if one gets very drunk. Bård awards her last place.
  • Leo brings in his own voice, which he lends to Olli as they re-film the introduction to the episode, with Olli miming as Leo reads a prepared script for him, which goes as follows: "What's up, all the girls at home? Papi Olli is in the house and I would l-l-lick it like a lollipop, if you know what I mean. But it's not about what I would do with you in my hotel room - Room 304 at the Scandic Ambassador - it's about these five people here, and what they've done." Bård describes the performance as "magical", and immediately awards Leo first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)