
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Complete a 24-shot rally

A shot of the shed next to the Taskmaster house. The doors are open and some of the items on view are a blue bicycle, a red ukulele, a brown wooden chair and some shelving.
Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Achieve a rally of exactly 24 shots.

You much each take the same amount of shots.

You must be stood at least 6’8” apart from one another.

The object stuck must neither touch the ground nor be held at any point during the rally.

There is a bonus point for the team which uses the most ambitious equipment.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • James, Phil and Rhod initially tried to have Phil hit a football with a sandal whilst blindfolded, before they decided to roll a football over the top of the shed roof. As the shed was 6 foot 6 inches wide, and the team rallied to 27 (James taking 9 shots, Phil taking 8 shots, and Rhod taking 7 shots), and they took over 19 minutes, they received 0 points. They did, however, receive a bonus point each for using the most ambitious equipment.
  • Jessica and Kerry tried different equipment including ukuleles, sofa cushions, and boxing gloves, before settling on plastic trays and a toy football. They rallied to 24 in 12 minutes and 49 seconds.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)