
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Land a ball in a hat after three bounces

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Complete the most games of '1, 2, 3, hat'.

The game starts when you drop a ball, and is completed when it lands in a hat after bouncing on three non-living surfaces.

You must not affect the ball after the start of a game, and you must not re-use the same surfaces again.

You have 20 minutes.

Most completed games wins.

You must use the first ball you touch.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Linda touches the bowling ball before reading the task; thus, it is the ball she must use. She half-heartedly tries a few things - that obviously won’t work, as the bowling ball does not bounce - before giving up. Linda successfully completes 0 games of 1 2 3 Hat, and earns joint last place.
  • Sofie chooses the tennis ball. Sofie misunderstands the rule about not affecting the ball – she seems to interpret the rule as meaning not to touch the ball once the rally has started. As such, Sofie spends her entire attempt holding the objects that the tennis ball makes contact with before landing in the hat, which Mark is holding. Sofie successfully completes 0 games of 1 2 3 Hat, and earns joint last place.
  • Tobias chooses a cricket ball, which he does not realise does not bounce. He still tries, before going inside and deciding to roll the ball down three different surfaces and into the hat. He tears a textbook apart, using different pages on his ramp every time; at the end of the task, Tobias acknowledges that he probably failed. Tobias successfully completes 0 games of 1 2 3 Hat, and earns joint last place.
  • Simon chooses the tennis ball. Simon has an extra line in his task: after every attempt, whether successful or not, Simon must make a unique pose with the hat. Simon’s edit is dedicated to his various poses. In the studio, Mark reveals that Simon had 32 different poses, before presenting Simon with a calendar featuring Simon’s best poses. Simon successfully completes 3 games of 1 2 3 Hat, and earns second place.
  • Jonas chooses the ping pong ball. After taking a few tries to get an idea of how far apart he needs to place the items, and recruiting Mark to hold the hat, Jonas plays successful game after successful game of 1 2 3 Hat, even setting up multiple courses in advance in the lab – primarily using dishes from the kitchen - before continuing on. Jonas successfully completes 18 games of 1 2 3 Hat, and wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)