
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make a movie that makes the Taskmaster cry

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make a movie that makes the Taskmaster cry.

You have one hour.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • After joking during the task planning process that he could just film an onion, Jakob does precisely that. He puts on a puppet show starring an onion named Charlotte Skalotte. who is unlucky in love. She dates various vegetables, with no luck, as any date who manages to get far enough to reach her bedroom immediately begins crying once she undresses (i.e. removes her onion skin). However, she finally finds love with another onion, and lives happily ever after... until one day, when their owner wanted to cook up some sausage, and brutally chops them both up. Jakob earns fourth place.
  • Neel decides to give Mark a makeover, and films a stereotypical makeover show episode, complete with a participant sob story, swelling music and an overemotional host who mugs for the camera at every chance she gets. After a makeover montage, she reveals the result of her hard work: she has made Mark into a copy of Lasse Rimmer [the surprise of this is somewhat ruined, as Mark has been wearing his Lasse makeover outfit for the entirety of the studio recording of this episode]. Neel earns third place.
  • Before his clip is shown, Mark makes sure to put on record that he had tried to talk Mahamad out of his idea, but was unable to. Mahamad makes a silent film, scored by happy instrumental music, wherein he dances around the house in a ballerina outfit, abducting the Stormester bust and placing it on a pillar in the yard. He then proceeds to use a baseball bat to destroy various things from the house in front of the bust – a flower vase, a ukulele, a bowl of flower petals, a piggy bank. Mahamad’s film ends with the Stormester bust shedding a tear at all the destruction, and a shot of Mahamad about to destroy the bust itself. When questioned by Lasse, Mahamad says that he thought Lasse might cry if his house was ruined. Lasse responds by saying that he gets annoyed when his stuff is broken, which is why he changes houses every season [Stormester did have a different house every season for the first four seasons]. Mahamad earns last place.
  • After debating whether he should kidnap Lasse’s children, Anders instead decides to make Lasse cry by making him think of his childhood (suggesting that Lasse should cry because he is happy, not because he is sad). Initially, Anders' film seems to reflect that decision, as it’s slow-motion footage of fluffy puppies playing outside. Anders then appears on screen and delivers an ultimatum: if Lasse does not cry and award five points to Anders by dawn, all of the puppies will be killed. In the studio, Lasse does tear up a bit, and reveals that he once had a very sick dog that needed to be put down, and that Lasse had held it while it died, and that Anders' film did in fact strike a sorrowful chord within Lasse. Anders earns second place (and we never see those poor puppies again).
  • After suggesting that she kill Lasse’s girlfriend to make him cry, Annika instead decides to film a romantic comedy in an attempt to make Lasse cry. She makes a movie starring herself and Mark, both playing the role of Lasse Rimmer. Annika-Lasse writes a task: “Find your ideal partner to have for the rest of your life. Your time starts now”. In walks Mark-Lasse. The two have a stereotypical meet-cute moment, and go on various rom-com dates: skipping down the road while holding hands, recreating the jewellery box hand snap from Pretty Woman and the spaghetti eating and meatball nose push scenes from Lady and the Tramp, and playing on a swing set together. Finally, Annika-Lasse proposes marriage to Mark-Lasse, who accepts. Annika-Lasse is joyful – because she has finally solved the task she set for herself. But when she turns back to Mark-Lasse, he is just a pillow with Lasse’s face on it. The date montage footage is shown again, revealing that Annika-Lasse was always alone during those activities. In the studio, Lasse describes Annika’s movie as “Pretty Woman meets Fight Club,” and ultimately declares her the winner of the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)