
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Eat as much watermelon as possible

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on the desk in the study of the Stormester house, alongside a set of protective overalls and a pair of goggles. The brief for the task is as follows:

There is watermelon in the lab.

Eat the most watermelon.

You have one minute.

Your time starts when you open the door to the lab.

Task notes

  • Before they read the task brief, the contestants are instructed to don the protective overalls and goggles.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • In the studio, Jakob explains that he’s not a fan of cucumbers, and he sees watermelon as the cucumber of the fruit world – in that it’s mostly water, so why wouldn’t he just drink water? This plays out during his attempt, where he is generally slow and unenthusiastic. He leaves the lab to get a knife to cut the watermelon open, and when he finally starts eating, he takes small bites and at a few points visibly gags at the taste. Jakob eats 16g of watermelon and comes last.
  • Anders breaks the watermelon open on the table and begins eating with gusto, shoving large fistfuls into his mouth; near the end, with watermelon dripping down his chin, he starts swiping in Mark’s direction like a feral lion. Anders eats 389g of watermelon and comes second.
  • Before entering the lab, Annika recruits Mark into eating watermelon with her. However, that is the only bit of preparation she does before entering the lab, and upon seeing that the watermelon is whole, she leaves and searches for something to cut the melon open. Annika spends just over half of her time searching for knives. With Mark’s help, Annika is credited as having eaten 371g of watermelon and comes third.
  • Neel enters the lab carrying tools that could help her with the watermelon: a knife, a cutting board, a large spoon, and a large cooking spoon. Despite her head start on the other contestants, Neel is a slower eater than the others, which ultimately hurts her in the studio. Neel eats 280g of watermelon and comes fourth.
  • Mahamad takes the most advantage of the fact that his time does not start until he enters the lab. He sends Mark into the lab to blend up the watermelon, so it can be drunk quickly instead of consumed. When Mahamad suggests that Mark blend more than just the watermelon, Mark adds some other liquid, sugar, and Lillet Blanc aperitif, along with ice, and makes a “summer power shake” for Mahamad (complete with a handful of straws and cocktail umbrellas). Mahamad quickly drinks the glass Mark pours for him (noting that it’s particularly strong), before drinking most of a second glass. In the studio, Mahamad reveals that he’d given Mark ice cubes thinking they’d be put in after the drink had been made, but Mark had blended them into smaller pieces instead, and that a previous childhood trauma involving choking on a small piece of ice had stayed with him as an adult, which was why he drank with the straws instead of just chugging straight from the glass. Still, Mahamad manages to consume 593g of (alcoholic) watermelon, and wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)