
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lasso Mark

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Lasso Mark.

You must stand behind your line throughout the task, and Mark must stand behind his line.

Fastest lassoed Mark wins.

Your time started when you said 'Howdy'.

Task notes

  • Before they read the task brief, Mark attempts to get them all to say "Howdy" to him, as that is when the task clock starts running.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Neel starts out poorly, throwing the loop of the lasso as best she can. After a few tries, she tries to make the track shorter but quickly discovers that it has been reinforced so that she and Mark will always remain the same distance apart. After many more failed attempts, Neel realises that the task differentiates between “your” (her) line and “his” (Mark's) line. She decides to make a new line, just in front of Mark. However, she labels it “my” line, and as Lasse later points out, it should have been labelled “your” line. Neel is disqualified for crossing “your” line and earns no points.
  • While reading the task, Mahamad initially confuses a lasso with a bullwhip, and believes that the task is to whip Mark. After a few tries, Mahamad stands the track up vertically to get closer to Mark, and declares that both of them are still technically behind their lines. It is unclear as to why Mahamad did not simply reach around and lasso Mark at that point (perhaps he was unable to do it while still holding the track, as Mark was not assisting). Mahamad then decides to lean the track against a swing set at an angle and climbs on top of the swing set; in this manner, Mahamad is able to simply drop the lasso over Mark. Mahamad completes the task in 6 minutes 32 seconds and earns third place.
  • Anders actually manages to lasso Mark after a few tries, without resorting to any trickery or fiddling with the track. However, it is plain to see in the initial footage (and certainly in the studio replay) that Anders oversteps his line several times during his attempt. As such, he is disqualified and earns no points.
  • After realising that the track is built in such a way that the distance cannot be shortened, Annika goes to the shed and comes out with tools. She cuts the red carpet from the track and, staying behind her line at all times, folds the carpet up until she’s standing just in front of Mark. She then drapes the lasso over him. Annika completes the task in 5 minutes 25 seconds, and earns second place.
  • In the studio, Mark says that Jakob’s attempt was either dumb luck, or an incredibly impressive plan. Jakob throws the lasso once, and it sticks onto one of the wooden boards to which the track has been nailed. Jakob asks Mark for assistance in freeing the lasso; when Mark nudges the lasso loop with his foot, Jakob quickly pulls the rope, successfully wrapping the lasso around Mark’s ankle. Jakob completes the task in 1 minute 55 seconds and earns first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)