Tom is influenced by the female form

When Tom spins the wheel with his fingers crossed, it lands on the genre of ‘Swords and Sandals’.
In a voice-over, Tom announces “In a world of swords and Birkenstock sandals, there was Lactatius and his chariot trailer.”
We see Paul, wearing a toga, and a leaf behind his ear, standing in the trailer. Tom, who is wrapped in a red shawl, says “Quick, Lactatius, The Williamsanites are taking the citadel.” Paul’s character, Lactatius, says that he isn’t going anywhere without his chariot trailer, adding that he has been made a warrior.
Tom then appears in a different role, wearing a pink toga and a crown. From the balcony, he announces that Lactatius must fight wild beasts for the entertainment of the people.
Paul holds up a sword and is attacked from both sides by a big cat and a golden rhinoceros (which are being held up much closer to the camera to appear much larger). He quickly dispatches the big cat and then chops the rhino clean in half with his sword.
Tom, now wearing a different coloured toga and a short red wig, announces that Lactatius is being sent across the Mediterranean. Tom is then seen holding a pair of blue shorts under his chin, and waving a small boat around while making whooshing noises to simulate sea travel.
Lactatius, standing by the lake, then states that he is on the shores of “Breastadonius”, and he asks whether he will ever be reunited with his chariot trailer, before shaking his fists and shouting “Anguish!”.
Tom’s voice-over then repeats the question of whether Lactatius will ever be reunited with his trailer, before adding “Coming to cinemas 2025”.
In the studio, Jeremy asks Tom why he thought Paul would suit the name Lactatius. Tom claims that he doesn’t know where it came from, but notes that there were lots of nude mannequins floating around the taskmaster ranch, and so the female form was apparently playing on his mind. Abby observes that some boys look like they just like milk, prompting Paul to confirm that he does like milk a lot.
Since Tom is a professional director and actor, Jeremy admits that he’d been expecting more from him in the task, so Tom earns just 2 points
(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by JoGo & Will G and adjusted by David Fuller)