
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone puts on their sleeping bags

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Inês AP, Gilmário, and Toy prepare for the task by removing their shoes. Gilmário may have done so as a joke, as he was wearing trainers, but Inês AP was wearing heeled boots, and Toy was wearing dress shoes. Jessica has trouble getting her sleeping bag out of the bag, but saves time as she is slim enough that she can simply slide the already-zipped sleeping bag over her body instead of needing to unzip it to get in. She counts aloud while saluting Vasco, but counts quickly. She manages to pull ahead of the Inêses, and finishes first. Toy loses time by putting on his first sleeping bag on backwards, which causes him to mistake one of the arm holes for the head hole and he tries to push his head through it. He is slow for most of the task, not even getting to the saluting until three of the contestants have already finished. The Inêses are both quick and at each other’s heels. They both count out loud when saluting Vasco, and both finish saluting before the other contestants have even donned their first sleeping bag. They both lose time getting the second sleeping bag onto themselves. Eventually Inês AP finishes second and Inês CB finishes third. Eventually, Gilmário finishes fourth, and Inês CB and Jessica help Toy put on his second sleeping bag so he can finish the task. Apparently Jessica’s attempt is considered valid, despite her counting, and she wins.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)