
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone guesses who the statements relate to

In the first round (Who has visited Rovaniemi the most?), Kalle, Krisse, and Eija all believe it is Kalle, Fathi believes it is Eija, and Pirjo believes it is herself. The actual answer is Kalle, who has been to Rovaniemi around 70 times, as he has family there. Kalle, Krisse, and Eija therefore all earn one point. In the second round (Who has skied to school the most?), everyone guesses that it is Eija (as the oldest contestant), including Eija herself. In a surprise twist, the actual answer is Fathi, who had routinely (about 45 times) skied to his school-sponsored skiing classes, during elementary school. It turns out that Eija had actually lived close enough to her school that she could just walk through the snow. No-one earns any points in this round. In the third round (Who has ordered the most items from TV Shop?), everyone except for Pirjo guesses that it is Eija (because her prize task for the episode was from TV Shop), and Pirjo guesses it is Krisse (because “Krisse is always buying things”). It turns out that both Eija and Pirjo have ordered a single product each from TV Shop. Therefore, everyone earns one point in this round except for Pirjo. In the fourth round (Who has requested the most autographs?), Kalle and Eija guess it is Krisse, Krisse guesses it is Pirjo, Fathi guesses it is Kalle, and Pirjo initially guesses it is Fathi (though, when Fathi counters that people of his generation ask for selfies, not autographs, she tries to change her answer to Eija). The actual answer is Kalle, who had apparently collected the autographs of nearly 100 ice hockey players, as a child. Fathi therefore earns a point in this round. In the fifth round (Who has done the most winter swimming in the past year?), Kalle, Eija, and Fathi all guess that it is Pirjo, Krisse guesses herself, and Pirjo guesses it is Eija. The actual answer is Krisse, so she earns one point for guessing herself. Pirjo is apparently upset that so many people guessed it might be her, as she’d never been winter swimming, and is worried that she “gives off granny vibes” (winter swimming is stereotypically done more by older Finns).

In the sixth round (Who can fit the most eggs in one hand?), Kalle and Eija guess it is Kalle, while Krisse, Fathi, and Pirjo all guess it is Fathi. The actual answer turns out to be that both Eija and Pirjo are capable of holding 11 eggs in one hand. No-one earns any points in this round.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)