
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone rolls their toilet rolls

In the first part of the task, Phil successfully rolls his light yellow toilet roll just past the second line.

Tammy stands on one end of her blue toilet roll, but accidentally lets go of it too early, and it does not roll very far before stopping, so she is eliminated.

Mona puts a bit too much power behind the push of her dark yellow toilet roll.

However, when it nears the end of the platform, Mona starts to pull some of the toilet paper towards herself.

This strategy works, and the toilet roll stays on the platform, near the edge.

Louis rules that Mona’s attempt is valid, as the task did not state that contestants were not allowed to attempt to keep the toilet roll from falling, so long as they stayed behind the line.

Marie-Lyne carefully pushes her pink toilet roll, copying Mona’s technique to prevent it rolling off the edge by pulling some of the paper towards herself.

Kevin, emboldened by Louis’ ruling that the contestants are allowed to try to keep the roll from falling off of the platform, orders Antoine to sit down on the front edge of the platform, to block his toilet roll.

Kevin does not worry about the force with which he pushes his orange toilet roll, as it is indeed stopped by Antoine’s back.In the second part of the task, Tammy (as the only one eliminated in the first part) volunteers to set up the water glasses on the rolls.

Mona manages to get her glass of water over the second line before the paper snaps, and she is eliminated.

Despite a significant difference in distance between the two, Phil and Kevin spend the task neck and neck, but Phil ultimately retrieves his water just before Kevin does.

Marie-Lyne also successfully retrieves her water a few seconds later.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)