
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kristoffer uses a step-ladder

Kristoffer pulls a step-ladder out from the garage, and opens it up underneath the basketball hoop. As he does so, he reminds Olli that he has had prior success with ladders on Kongen Befaler (referring to his winning solution to the ‘Guess how long it will take to net a bun three times in a row’ task), and so hopes that he can do so in this task as well.

Kristoffer examines the rigging attached underneath the basketball hoop, and finds that he is able to easily unclip it from its mounting. This means that the candelabra is no longer elevated as he approaches it, although he has not broken any of the rules of the task.

Kristoffer directly approaches the candles and lights each of them individually with his matches. The states that the first three are lit for Olli, but then insists that the fourth is lit for Manuela Ramin-Osmundsen (a former Norwegian politician), as hers was the first name he could think of that wasn’t Olli’s.

In the studio, Atle admits that Kristoffer’s solution was smart, but also points out that it was “damn boring”.

Kristoffer lights the candles in 2 minutes and 11 seconds, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores