
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Calle the torchbearer

In the garage, Calle finds a tiki torch, a bottle of lighter fluid, and several sheets of paper.

Calle explains his plan to Olli: he will wrap the top of each of the candles in paper which has been doused in lighter fluid, and then light all of the paper on fire with the tiki torch.

Calle climbs up on a step-ladder to reach the candles, and carefully removes one of them at a time, to wrap them in paper, before placing them on the candelabra. At no point during this time-consuming process does it appear to occur to him that he could simply light the candles with matches instead.

As he sets up the candles with his elaborate ignition system, Calle expresses how cool he thinks the task is. He only holds this attitude towards the task until he accidentally drops one of the candles, though, at which point he insists that the task is “fucking shit”, and the worst he’s done on the show.

After his preparation is finally complete, Calle climbs back up the step-ladder with his flaming tiki torch (somewhat augmented with another piece of paper doused in lighter fluid) and lights the four pieces of paper wrapped around the candles.

At the same moment that Olli confirms that the candles are lit and that the time has stopped, the rope holding the candelabra up is also burned by the flame enough that it breaks, and the whole thing falls to the ground and breaks apart.

Calle lights the candles in 21 minutes, and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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