
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Leo uses a broom

Leo finds a straw broom in the shed, and throws a lit match onto the end of it. He had presumably doused it in lighter fluid first, since the bristles almost immediately burst into flames.

He then walks a few steps towards the candles, and holds the broom out over them, lighting three of them simultaneously, and the final one soon thereafter.

Leo then extinguishes the broom in the snow, before deciding to hide it so that his fellow competitors will not be able to use it themselves, tossing it into some bushes by the garage.

Leo lights the candles in just 1 minute and 30 seconds, and wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores