
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone answers Christmas-related statements

In the first round, the prompt is: “The most important thing about Christmas dinner for me is that the pork belly is...”. Calle responds with “Big and juicy, with cracklings, with enough for everyone”. Siri responds with “Big and juicy”, and crosses out the rest of whatever she had planned on writing, as she had run out of time. Kristoffer responds with “Replaced with something that tastes better”. Solveig responds with “Roasted on all sides”. Leo responds with “Crispy. I can’t stand lamb ribs” (lamb ribs are another common Norwegian Christmas dinner option). When Atle reveals that he prefers lamb ribs to pork belly, Leo attempts to pass his statement off as sarcasm (complete with air quotes), but is unsuccessful. Atle considers Calle, Solveig, and Siri’s answers to be ‘inside’, and awards them 1 in-game point each. He considers Kristoffer’s answer to be a ‘bullseye’, as he’d rather have lamb ribs, so he awards it 3 in-game points. Unsurprisingly, considering his preference for lamb ribs, Atle considers Leo’s answer to be ‘outside’, awarding it zero in-game points.

In the second round, the prompt is: “On Christmas Eve, I always start the day with/by...” (Norwegians mainly celebrate on Christmas Eve, rather than Christmas Day). Calle responds with “Running out into the street and yelling, ‘It’s Christmas!’”. Siri responds with “Evaluating Little Christmas Eve, dreading the evening, and practicing smiling” (Little Christmas Eve is December 23rd). Kristoffer explains that he treats Christmas Eve as a day of rest. As such, he simply responds with “The evening”. Solveig initially writes “Eating Olli’s marzipan pig”, but then crosses it out, and replaces it with “Laughing at ‘Grevinnen og hovmesteren’ from yesterday” (‘Grevinnen og hovmesteren’ translates literally as ‘The Countess and the butler’, but is actually the Norwegian name of the short comedy film Dinner For One; since 1980, it has been broadcast on NRK every 23 December).

Leo responds with “Going to the toilet”, as it’s how he starts every day, because the body doesn’t know it’s a special day, and likes its routines. Atle considers Kristoffer and Solveig’s responses to be ‘outside’, awarding them zero in-game points. He considers Calle’s response highly unlikely, but as it is technically something Atle could physically do, he considers it ‘inside’, awarding it 1 in-game point. Atle considers Siri and Leo’s answers to be ‘bullseyes’, awarding them 3 in-game points each.

In the third round, the prompt is: “At the top of my wish list this year, like every year, is...”. Calle’s response is “Definitely not a contribution to the Red Cross”. Siri’s response is “A reference to my wish list from last year”. Kristoffer’s response, given one of his previous prize task submissions, is unsurprising: “Bigger clothes”. Solveig’s response is “Another year on the throne” (referring to the Kongen Befaler throne). Leo attempts to make up for his earlier miss with his response: “To eat more lamb ribs. No more pork belly!!!”. Atle acknowledges that he may be cynical and harsh, but isn’t too harsh to not donate to a humanitarian cause like the Red Cross, and so he awards Calle zero in-game points (though he also admits that even if it were the case, he would look bad on national television to award points for such a statement). He also considers Kristoffer’s answer to be ‘outside’, as he believes that he is large enough. Atle considers Siri and Solveig’s statements to be ‘inside’, awarding them 1 in-game point each. Atle considers Leo’s answer to be a ‘bullseye’, awarding it 3 in-game points.

Calle and Solveig end the game with 2 in-game points each, earning joint fourth place. Kristoffer ends with 3 in-game points, earning third place. Siri ends with 5 in-game points, earning second place. And Leo ends with 6 in-game points, earning first place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)