
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone plays musical pours

In the first round, all of the contestants are hesitant while rounding the table, and Olli has to remind them several times to keep moving and not stand near the glasses. When the music finally stops, Solveig (who has been stopped behind Atle’s throne) and Siri both lunge for the final unclaimed glass and pour at the same time, neither stopping until the glass overflows. Neither Olli nor Atle are able to figure out who won the round. After checking VAR from several angles, it is determined that Solveig’s wine was the first to hit the glass, so Siri is out. Olli pulls out a large sheet of red fabric to cover Siri’s white dress, in case wine gets spilled on her while the remaining contestants scramble to pour again in future rounds. Calle expresses his disappointment at Olli’s thoughtfulness.

In the second round, everyone jogs around the table, starting and stopping when they reach the glasses. Calle is ultimately the one left without a glass, so he pours his entire bottle out onto the table and table setting before body-checking Leo (who had urged him to move on from a glass just before the music stopped, into the danger zone behind Atle’s throne) and sitting down. Olli also gives Calle a red cloth and, while Calle initially wears it like a scarf, Solveig rearranges it to cover his entire body, like a crimson ghost.

In the third round, VAR is once again consulted, as Leo and Kristoffer both pour into the same glass together. It is determined that Leo got to it first, so Kristoffer is out. Olli offers Kristoffer a cloth but Kristoffer declines, claiming to trust in his fellow contestants that he will not need it.

Before the final round starts, Olli gives Solveig and Leo the chance to say something to one other. Leo simply offers his bottle to Solveig to clink, and she reciprocates. The two then run around the table, only hesitating when near to Atle – the location of the final wine glass. When the music stops, they both lunge for the glass, and knock it over. When VAR is yet again consulted, it reveals that Solveig had actually gotten a few drops of her wine into the glass before Leo’s bottle knocked the glass over. Leo is therefore eliminated, and Solveig wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)