Perform an irrelevant task / Spot the difference
- In this double task the contestants are first instructed to complete a task which serves mainly to distract them from paying attention to their surroundings (e.g. inflate a balloon a specific size while wearing a blindfold, or leave the room and return in exactly 11 minutes).
- They then receive a second task brief, which instructs them to identify the changes that have been made at the location while they were blindfolded or out of the room.
Original version
Blow up a balloon to a specific size and then spot the difference
In this version of the task, the contestants are first instructed to inflate a balloon so its circumference is equal to the length of a standard cucumber while blindfolded. While they are doing this, a number of things are changed in a scene before them. They are then asked to identify all of the differences. The two parts of the task are scored separately.
Blow up a balloon to a specific size and then spot the difference
In this version of the task, the contestants are first instructed to inflate a balloon so its circumference is equal to the length of a standard cucumber while blindfolded. While they are doing this, a number of things are changed in a scene before them. They are then asked to identify all of the differences. The two parts of the task are scored separately.

In this version of the task the contestants are first instructed to leave the room and return in exactly 11 minutes. They are then asked to spot the 12 changes that have been made in the room while they were out.

In this version of the task, the contestants are first instructed to leave the room and return in exactly 5 minutes and 30 seconds. They are then asked to spot the five changes that have been made to the room in their absence.

In this festive version of the task, the contestants are first instructed to inflate a balloon, while blindfolded, so its circumference is equal to the length of a standard cucumber. While they are doing this, 10 things are changed in a scene before them. They are then asked to identify all of the differences. The balloon-inflation part of the task is not scored.

In this version of the task, the contestants are explicitly instructed to spend one minute inspecting the room they are in, before being sent out of the room again until they are called. They are then instructed to spot the five changes that have been made to the room in their absence.

In this version of the task, the contestants have to wait one minute in the living room, then spend three minutes in the lab before returning to the living room and being instructed to spot the 15 changes that have been made in their absence. Each incorrect guess they make leads to two correct guesses being deducted from their total.