
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Something that does not get the respect it deserves

Image of the pool of prize submissions submitted by the contestants in the 'Something that does not get the respect it deserves' task.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in something that does not get the respect it deserves.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Steinar brings in a nose- and ear-hair remover he bought about 13 years ago. He claims it doesn’t get enough attention, stating that no-one knows who invented it, even though someone must have. He also demonstrates the prize, using it on both nostrils and one of his ears. He is awarded last place.
  • Ida’s prize, which is barely covered by the cloth used to disguise it on stage, is an electric scooter. She claims it’s very easy to use, and environmentally friendly, and that the problem is not the scooter, but people’s attitudes to using it. Atle strongly agrees with Ida on the issue, and she earns second place.
  • Amir starts his pitch by standing up with his prize (a painting of a tree with coins attached to it, and a person standing in a small puddle, crying), before awkwardly sitting back down. Amir’s actual submission for the prize is the 1 krone coin, which he says are lying around everywhere, and which no-one ever picks up. He says he has started a project where he collects the coins and glues them to paper, to create works of art. Atle states that he is more lenient early on in the season, and so gives Amir credit for going in a slightly different direction, but warns him that he will not be as generous if Amir brings the same thing in again. Amir earns third place.
  • Einar brings in what he claims is an Oscar statuette awarded to Bob Dylan, which Bob left in Stavanger when he played a concert there. He says that he now keeps it in his toilet at home. As he holds the statuette, it is visibly wobbling around on its base. After Atle asks whether Bob might want it back, Einar states that he might, but no-one can ever get hold of him. Steinar chips in to state that, since the prize has been in Einar’s toilet, he does not want to win it. Atle suggests that Einar has not treated the statuette with the respect it deserves, and Einar confesses that this is true. He is ultimately awarded first place.
  • Solveig doesn’t reveal her prize immediately. She displays only the back of the large picture frame, stating that it is a work of art that had previously received the respect it deserved, while displayed in her mother’s living room. She says that since she inherited it from her mother, her family hadn’t given it much respect. Atle jokingly asks if she is displaying the correct side. She then reveals it to be a picture of herself from 1986, which she would like to put up on the wall, but her family won’t let her. Steinar again chips in to state that he no longer wants to win the episode. Solveig earns fourth place in the task.

(Source credit: Will G)