
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get a hat on Olli's head

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Get a hat on Olli's head from as far away as possible.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Initially, Amir seems unable to find a hat, despite actually wearing one. He considers what distance is, and eventually opts to try a perspective trick. He hangs a hat on a bush and positions Olli such that, when viewed from a table on the other side of the garden, it appears that Olli is wearing the hat. He spends most of his time adding multiple hats to the bush, and repositioning them to make it easier for him to line them up from his viewing position. He instructs a cameraman to get up onto the table, to shoot footage of the perspective illusion. Atle accepts Amir’s method, through which he was able to get a hat onto Olli’s head from a distance of 22.5m. He earns fourth place in the task.
  • Einar sits on a very small wooden table at the end of the garden, while Olli sits in an upstairs window. Einar has rigged up a pulley system between their positions, which he proceeds to use to slowly move the hat towards Olli. While doing this, he claims that he thinks he will beat Solveig. The hat eventually ends up on Olli’s head, having travelled a distance of 19.5m. Einar thus earns last place.
  • Steinar asks Olli to lie down, and positions the hat on the ground, above Olli’s head. He states that his plan is to attach ropes to Olli, and pull him into the hat. He attaches ropes to Olli’s shoulders, and runs the other ends out to the street, far enough away that he has to shout to communicate with Olli. He then starts pulling with all of his strength until the rope is taut, but Olli does not move an inch. Returning to check on progress, Steinar discovers that Olli has not budged with . With just 1 minute and 10 seconds left on the clock, he has another go from a shorter distance away, managing to pull Olli into the hat from 40.8m. Olli asks whether Steinar had, at any point, considered pulling the hat onto him, rather than vice-versa, to which Steinar doesn’t respond. His efforts earn him third place.
  • Ida decides that she is going to drive far away from the house and then have someone else put the hat on Olli. She recruits Marit as her assistant - the same member of the production crew who helped Solveig. She seems very pleased with her idea, and is very calm, until Olli informs her that she has just 24 minutes left. She rushes off to her car and drives away, hoping out loud that no-one else comes up with the same idea. With just 48 seconds left on the clock, she calls Olli and asks Marit to put the hat on him. Having driven all the way to Hvalstad (17km away), she earns first place.
  • Solveig opts to use a bucket as a hat, and asks Marit (one of the members of the production crew) to assist her by putting the ‘hat’ on Olli after she has driven far away from the house. After a casual drive, she calls Marit from the car and instructs her to place the bucket on Olli’s head. Having driven to Fornebu (8km away), she secures second place.

(Source credit: Will G)