
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make an offensive movie

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the next minute of this movie.

Task notes

  • When the video is played for the contestants, they see the following message appear on the screen: "WARNING. This following feature contains strong images and offensive content. The actions were performed by professionals and should not under any circumstances be attempted at home."

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Ida associates the warning with the show Jackass, and so decides to ride a small cart down a hill, across some cardboard, and into the pool. She ends the film by saying “Don’t try this at home”. Her very short film earns her fourth place.
  • Einar leaves the studio out of embarrassment, while his film is being shown. It has an old-fashioned film aesthetic, and begins with Olli sitting behind a desk. Einar walks into frame wearing a shirt, socks, and a straw hat, but no trousers or underwear, exposing his backside to the camera. Olli asks him to sit down, and calls him something which is censored. Einar says he would like to apply for the position of [censored] manager, because he was fired from the “Norwegian Pooping Association”. Olli asks if Einar has any disabilities, and Einar responds that he is a woman, causing both of them to laugh, and Einar to poop himself. Olli hands Einar a Norwegian flag, which Einar uses to wipe his butt. Einar then asks if he got the job, to which Olli replies “Absolutely not”. In the studio, Einar seems mortified about his film, but he wins first place.
  • Solveig introduces her film by telling parents to send their children out the room. She proceeds to slowly flip through the pages of a flip-book, creating an animated sequence of a cartoon penis becoming increasingly erect, while another shape enters the frame from the left-hand side. The last few frames of the animation display the word ‘snort’. Solveig explains that the other shape moving into the frame was a pig (the ‘snort’ being the sound pigs make in Norwegian). Her flip-book ends with a page of credits, which includes ‘snorting pig’ and ‘Big John’. She earns last place.
  • Amir’s film begins with him spraying the words ‘Pig Cop’ on the doors of the shed, using the anarchy symbol for the ‘O’ in ‘Cop’. Olli, dressed in a hat that says ‘Cop’ on it, spots Amir, and hits him on the head, causing Amir to collapse and drop his spray can. There is then a title card reading “One man against a system”, which is followed by scenes of Amir being whipped on his bare back, carrying a metal ball and chain while being prodded by Olli, and being stuck behind bars. There is then a clip of a pocket watch swinging back and forth, then a shot of the front door of the house, which Amir emerges from, with a cane and a briefcase. He walks past the shed doors, which still feature his ‘Pig Cop’ graffiti, and shakes his head. He picks up the spray can from the floor, and sprays a heart on the shed. An arm then appears from off-screen and hits Amir on the head again, causing him to wince and fall to the ground. Another title card is then displayed, reading ‘Graffiti Boy Redemption’. He earns third place.
  • In his film, Steinar, playing the character ‘Danny’, receives a call from his partner, Rebecca, who is distressed because she has been sexually assaulted in a nightclub in Oslo by a man named Ernst. Danny then finds Ernst (a mannequin with a red ball for a head), and proceeds to torture and harm him in various ways, such as: attacking him with an axe; throwing a spear at him from a window; drilling into his balls and abdomen; and finally, setting fire to, and melting, his head. At one point, Danny hears Ernst begging to be killed, and responds that it’s not that simple, because he must be tortured for being a sex offender. Steinar earns second place.

(Source credit: Will G)