
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Guess which contestant you are

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Which Kongen Befaler contestant are you?

You may ask Olli one question at a time, but every question must be based on a category that you draw from the bowl.

Whoever guesses correctly in the fewest questions wins.

You may guess who you are at any time, but you only have one guess.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Steinar selects the hat with Einar’s face on it. His first category is ‘mythical animals’, so he asks if he is the “most unicorn-like”, which Olli answers with a “no”. The next category he is shown picking is ‘fruit’, so he asks if he is “as sweet as a grape”. Olli responds “no” to this, so Steinar says that the face on the hat must not be his own. The next category shown is ‘the colour yellow’, so he asks if he is “the one closest to the yellow sun” (i.e. the tallest contestant). After Olli answers “yes” to this, Steinar states that he must be Einar. In total, Steinar asks seven questions, which earns him third place.
  • Einar selects the hat with his own face on it. His first category is ‘mythical animals’, so he asks whether “the sound a unicorn makes when it walks” sounds like his last name. When Olli replies with “no”, this allows Einar to rule out Solveig ‘Kloppen’. In response to a different prompt, he asks if the last name of the person on the hat sounds like “something you can saw in half with something from a toolbox”. When Olli says “yes” to this, Einar deduces that he is the person depicted on the hat, since his last name sounds like the word for ‘branch’. In total, Einar asks four questions, which earns him second place.
  • Ida selects the hat with Amir’s face on it. Her first category is ‘uses of the potato’, so she asks whether she is “a small or big potato”. When Olli answers “small”, she rules out both Einar and Steinar, who are both tall. The next category she is shown picking is ‘history of the railway’, for which she struggles to come up with a good question. She eventually asks if, when on a train journey with her family, she would take her children with her. After Olli answers “yes” to this, Ida guesses that the face on the hat is Solveig’s. When she learns who it actually is, she is surprised to learn that Amir has kids. She earns fourth place.
  • Solveig selects the hat with Amir’s face on it. Her first category is ‘Kama Sutra’, which she is clearly very uncomfortable with, and struggles to formulate a question for some time. Eventually, and in a very unclear way, she essentially asks if, during heterosexual sex, she would be the person being penetrated. After Olli answers “no”, Solveig deduces that the face on her hat is a man. The second category she picks is ‘The Twist Bag’ (‘Twist-posen’, a brand of assorted, wrapped chocolates), so she asks if the first letter of her name is in ‘Twist-posen’. After Olli responds “no” to this, Solveig correctly deduces that the face on her hat is Amir’s. Having only asked two questions, she earns first place.
  • Amir selects the hat with Ida’s face on it, and asks several largely useless and imprecise questions in response to various categories selected. In response to the ‘Kama Sutra’ category, he asks whether he likes 69-ing. In response to the ‘fruit’ category, he asks whether he likes blueberries. In response to the ‘The Twist Bag’ category, he asks if he likes the banana-flavoured twist. Another category leads him to ask if he likes meatballs with potatoes and brown sauce. Further prompts lead him to asking if he is “the donkey that shoots gold out of its ass” (thus coining the episode title), or “as spicy as a tikka masala”. He then seems to randomly guess that the face on his hat is Einar’s, after seven questions. When he is questioned, in the studio, about who he would have guessed if the answer to “do I like 69-ing” was “yes”, he says he would have named himself. He earns last place.

(Source credit: Will G)