
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw a pizza into an oven

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Throw the pizza into the oven from the furthest distance.

You have 5 minutes.

Your last attempt is what counts.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Einar places the oven on the ground outside the house, and makes several attempts to drop the pizza into it from an upstairs window. At one point, the pizza lands flat across the oven door, rather than falling in vertically. He logs a small distance after this by dropping the pizza into the oven from his standing position right next to it, before making several further attempts from the upstairs window, one of which is successful. He then tries throwing the pizza into the oven from the end of the garden, which he fails to do. Finally, he throws the pizza into the oven while standing very close to it, recording a new and much shorter distance of 5 centimetres (compared to his previous record of 6 metres from the window). This final distance is the one that counts, and earns him last place.
  • Amir places the oven near the end of the garden, and attempts to throw the pizza into it like a frisbee, from an upstairs window. He then moves the oven closer to the front steps and, with just one minute left, starts to head back up the steps and into the house, as if he is going to try again from the window. However, just before he enters the house, he turns around and throws the pizza, landing it perfectly in the oven. He records a distance of 4.6 metres, plus the most stylish throw, and earns second place.
  • Solveig gets Olli to move the oven so that it is on the ground, directly below an upstairs window, and also asks him to remove the grill shelf. She figures out that there is nothing in the task brief stating that the pizza must be whole, so rips it up into smaller pieces, which she tries to drop into the oven while standing on the windowsill. She successfully lands a piece into the oven, and considers trying more times to achieve a longer distance, but realises that only the last attempt counts, so stops herself. She records a distance of 6.4 metres, and earns first place.
  • Steinar decides to make the pizza easier to throw, by rolling it up and fastening it with tape. He places the oven by the hedge, and then attempts to throw the pizza into it from the middle of the garden. He does successfully land a throw, but then galls victim to his own need for tidiness, as he picks up some of the loose pizza debris from the ground and chucks that into the oven. This second throw from just 30 centimetres is therefore the one that is counted, completely eradicating his previous, more impressive, attempt. He earns fourth place.
  • Ida doesn’t move the oven at all, and attempts to throw the pizza into it from the bottom of the steps. The pizza eventually breaks, and she gets frustrated, not realising that it this did not necessarily affect her chances of winning. She eventually throws part of the pizza into the oven, but it then bounces back out, bringing the grill shelf with it. She then throws the two largest pieces of the pizza into the oven from a much closer distance of 1.83 metres, which earns her third place.

(Source credit: Will G)