
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Write a grown-up bedtime story

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

To everyone except Lidija:

Write, illustrate, and read a bedtime story intended for adults.

Your story should be neither longer nor shorter than 50 words.

The most interesting story wins.

You have an hour.

Your time starts now.

To Lidija:

Write, illustrate, and read a bedtime story intended for adults.

Your story should be neither longer nor shorter than 50 words.

The most interesting story wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Igor writes a story about Luka. The translated version is as follows: “Once upon a time, in a beautiful city, lived a very ugly boy. Everyone else was beautiful and overjoyed; only he was sad and ugly. He was fired from every job, because people couldn't bear to look at him. Then came the Director, who gave him a job, despite his cow head. The end.” Igor takes 34 minutes 50 seconds to write and illustrate his story, and wins the task.
  • Enio's bedtime story for adults references a few adult (but not strictly pornographic) movies. The translated version is as follows: “On the slopes of a small Zagorje village, right next to the forest and the stream, there was a house called '18+'. The living room was decorated in the style of Fifty Shades of Grey, with fruit served on the table. It would take you 9 1/2 Weeks to finish it all, while in the company of a lady who costs 800 euro a night. Her mobile number is (redacted).” In the studio, it is revealed that the mobile number Enio wrote and read out was actually Luka's number. Enio takes 21 minutes 35 seconds to write and illustrate his story, and he earns fourth place.
  • Ana's story is somewhat autobiographical. The translated version is as follows: “One evening, a man went to bed alone. His wife worked. He was lonely, and he sent her a message. 'When are you coming home?' She knew what awaited her. So she answered, 'Late. Very late.' When she arrived, hoping to lie down and sleep, she took off her shoes and removed her makeup. Then a message arrived. 'Take it ALL off.'” Ana takes 13 minutes 14 seconds to write and illustrate her story. She earns joint second place with Lidija.
  • Ante writes a story that he believes will make adults smile. The translated version is as follows: “Luka went to pay the utilities. He does not like paying his utility bills, especially water. On the way, he met an evil grandmother [illustrated on a skateboard]; she likes to pay the utilities. Luka says he hates skaters, and she should give him all her money. The grandmother turned him down, so Luka hit her. Luka then took her money and paid his utilities with it.” Ante's time is not given. He earns last place.
  • Unlike the other contestants (who were given an hour to complete the task), Lidija is only allowed ten minutes. In the studio, she explains that her inspiration was the movie Back to the Future Part II, but it's not entirely clear how that applies to her final product. The translated version is as follows: “Peter came home from the party. He changed his clothes and went to work. While he was sitting at work, he suddenly fainted. The team came together. An ambulance came and took Peter to the hospital. While he was lying down, his dad said to him, 'Son, I told you not to drink.' Peter suddenly stood. 'I was only joking!'” Lidija's exact time is not given. She earns joint second place with Ana.

(Source credit: Jenny R)