
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Write a ten word story while running

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Write a ten-word story and cross the finish line.

You must run while writing.

Fastest to cross the line with a real story wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • When he nears the goal, Tobias slows down to a walk to give himself more time to write. Tobias is taller than the goal sign, so while he does duck his head to cross under it, a gust of wind pushes the goal sign at the same time Tobias begins to straighten, and he smashes his head into it. Tobias' story: “I run, I stop. I persevere, more and more.” Tobias finishes in 45 seconds, and comes third.
  • Simon snakes around the course to give himself more time to write. As his story ends up being pseudo-autobiographical, Simon collapses to the ground once he crosses the finish line, leaving Mark to be the one to read his story. Simon’s story: “There was a man who ran a tour. He died.” Simon finishes in 36 seconds, and comes second.
  • It seems as though Linda was able to complete her story jogging from a straight line from the starting point to the goal. Linda’s story: “A cow fell on its tail, but then it got up.” Linda finishes in 24 seconds and wins the task.
  • Sofie almost immediately forgets how many words she’s supposed to write, and has to double back for the task. She is then shown crossing the finish line and reading her story, where it’s revealed that it is 11 words instead of 10. Sofie reads the task once again, and realises that she’s not disqualified and can try again. Sofie starts over from the starting position again, this time crossing the finish line with a 10 word story. Sofie’s story: “A woman comes in. Sees man ball stranger. Goes out.” In the studio, Tobias argues that Sofie should receive a bonus point for writing an erotic short story with so few words; Sofie replies that her story was meant to be sad. Sofie finishes in 3 minutes 3 seconds, and comes fourth.
  • Jonas does not have a problem writing the story, until he remembers that it must be exactly 10 words (instead of at minimum). When he realises that Mark is required to job behind him, Jonas just has fun for a bit making Mark chase him. While trying to pare his story down to 10 words, Jonas screams in frustration that he cannot multitask, but eventually crosses the finish line. Jonas' story (which is more a joke than a story): “Three chickens went into a bar. They laid down.” Jonas finishes in 5 minutes 49 seconds and comes last.

(Source credit: Jenny R)