
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Give Mark a special hug

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Give Mark a special hug.

You have 20 minutes.

The most special hug wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • After thinking for a while, Simon moves himself and Mark out to the raised patio of the Stormester house. He tackles Mark with a hug, pulling the two of them down onto a crash pad on the lawn, and continues hugging him. In the studio, Simon describes his hug as “a stunt of masculinity that ends up in tenderness shared between two friends”. Lasse says that some experiences feel better for those involve than for those who watch (perhaps implying that Simon’s hug actually looked quite violent to anyone who wasn’t directly involved in it), and awards him fourth place.
  • Sofie decides to make a special group hug. She enlists nine members of the crew in a sort of hugging conga line, with Mark (wearing a crown) at the front. When pressed in the studio, Sofie admits it was just a quick idea she thought would look cute. Lasse tells Sofie that the best experience in a chain hug is for the person in the middle of the hug, and awards her fifth place.
  • Linda sources a funnel and a banana, clearly intending on embarrassing Mark. She puts the funnel on his head and has him hold the banana, but looks unsure as to her plan. Mark tells her she has enough time to change her mind, and asks if she remembers receiving a special hug. Linda admits that one time when she had a bad stand-up show, comedian Uffe Holm hugged her and reassured her. Linda calls Uffe and asks him to say some nice things about Mark while she hugs him. Uffe’s words seem to genuinely touch Mark. Uffe says that Mark always makes him smile, that Mark is one of the kindest people he’s ever worked with, that Mark is one of the best stand-up comedians in Denmark, and that he’s one of the few men who looks good bald. In the studio, at Lasse’s insistence, Linda grudgingly admits that, strictly off camera, she agrees that Mark is one of the sweetest people she’s ever met. Lasse says he enjoyed seeing Linda actually open up and show emotion, and awards her second place.
  • Tobias looks up the definition of hug (‘kram’). One of the definitions of the word is ‘poor quality goods’. Tobias creates the Rooster of Social Psychology from metal rooster sculpture and a psychology textbook, and sets the pages on fire. He and Mark inhale the smoke to obtain new ideology or knowledge, such as a sudden understanding of the philosophies of Karl Marx, or learning the meaning of FOMO, or – in Mark’s case – realising that ‘influencer’ isn’t a real job. Lasse accepts the alternate definition of ‘kram’, and says that he likes the idea, so awards Tobias third place.
  • Jonas admits he’s not much of a hugger to begin with, but says that the best hugs in his life are the ones he shares with his daughter when he drops her off at school. Jonas walks Mark (wearing a backpack) to a nearby kindergarten, pretending it’s Mark’s first day at a new school. When they reach the school, Jonas hands Mark a few cheese sticks in case he gets hungry, then kneels down (as Mark is meant to be a young child) and hugs Mark goodbye, reassuring him that the children will like him, and if they don’t, then Jonas will like him instead. Lasse says he found Jonas' hug charming and nostalgic (as Lasse is himself a father), and awards Jonas first place. NOTE: At some point during the filming of this task, Jonas stored the rest of the pack of cheese sticks in the backpack Mark was wearing. Everyone forgot that the cheese sticks were there; nearly a year later, season 6 contestant Martin Johannes Larsen would find them while searching for clues to solve the ‘Find out what’s in the safe’ task. It also just so happens that Eva used the same brand of cheese sticks as one of her clues, which further throws him off.

(Source credit: Jenny R)