
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Give Markl a special treat

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Give Markl a special treat.

The most special treat wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The wording used in the task brief can be interpreted as ‘special treat’ or ‘special cuddle’.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Gilmário treats Nuno to a private stand-up comedy show. To make it even more special, the comedy special is tailored towards Nuno’s interests (like movies). Nuno awards Gilmário second place.
  • After reading the task, Inês says that she’s often exasperating to Nuno, so a special treat would be to treat him nicely. She creates a spa in the Taskmaster house. It starts out nicely enough, with candles, rose petals, tea, and cucumber slices over Nuno’s eyes, but then Inês starts breathing heavily into a megaphone near Nuno’s ears in an attempt to make white noise (or perhaps the sound of the ocean), before singing him a song on an out of tune ukulele. Nuno awards Inês fourth place, saying that because he associates the combination of Inês and a megaphone with her screaming loudly, he was tense the entire time.
  • Toy writes a song for Nuno, and sings it to him while offering a bowl of chocolate. The translated lyrics (which rhyme in the original Portuguese) are as follows: “Oh Nuno, don’t let anyone mistreat you. / Oh Nuno, you know there’s always someone to give you chocolate. / Oh Nuno, just like you, it’s so sweet. / Oh Nuno, put in your mouth this little treat. / Sitting down, eating, / Delicately, with pleasure, / I hope that this sweet is for you a good treat. / With treats, life is built, / So long as they're given by Toy. / With this treat I say goodbye, / And I’ll tell you now, / Eating chocolate doesn’t make you fat. / There’s no danger because this one is light… / Or it should be... / I hope it was very pleasurable. / Believe me, my friend, I'm concluding, / Because this treat I wanted to give you. / I repeat: let nobody mistreat you, / And savour my chocolate. / Keep eating, and I’ll keep saying what’s in my soul, / But take it easy, eating that whole thing.” Toy gives the lyrics to Nuno at the end of the song. Nuno awards Toy first place.
  • Jessica sets up small salon in the lab. She puts black out goggles on Nuno, then starts to give him a scalp and shoulder massage to relax him. She then proceeds to wax his legs. When Nuno argues that he does not feel like this is a treat, Jessica counters that it’s a treat for any woman he is with. Nuno awards Jessica last place, as he says it was more pain and less pamper.
  • Carla offers Nuno wine in the outdoor seating area, but quickly draws him in to a series of children’s games, like tag, statues/red light green light, and a staring contest. The two of them then sit in the boat (while still on land) and pretend to be river adventurers. After a quick game of hopscotch, the two finally share their wine, and Carla gives Nuno a bouquet of flowers. Nuno awards Carla third place, as he says he appreciated her genuine affection – but not the exercise.

(Source credit: Jenny R)