
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Describe the videos via reversed audio

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

To everyone except Jonas:

Explain what's going on in the movie.

You must record your explanation.

It must be understood backwards.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

To Jonas:

Find out what scenes are recorded on the four VHS tapes.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • All of the contestants except for Jonas were given a VHS tape with footage of Mark enacting well-known adages.
  • Jonas was presented with the contestant’s recordings of their adages, as well as the VHS tapes they watched, and had to figure out what they were saying.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Sofie’s adage is “Mark crosses the creek for water” [takes unnecessary trouble], but she does not seem to realise that she’s watching Mark enact an adage. Instead, Sofie interprets the video as “Mark walks across a tree trunk, over some water. He takes a sip of water. He then takes four bottles of water with him before walking back, leaving one bottle behind.” Presumably Mark stepped in and told Sofie she was actually supposed to record an adage, to give her a fighting chance, but this is unknown. Jonas tries to discern her tape a few times, ultimately deciding that it sounds like a porn movie in slow-motion. Ultimately, Jonas is unable to figure out Sofie’s message.
  • Linda’s adage is “Mark blows and has flour in his mouth” [the Danish equivalent of ‘have your cake and eat it too’], but she realises that what she says needs to be understood having been spoken backwards, so she simplifies it to “Mark eats cocaine.” Linda’s is the only message that Jonas is able to understand, and she wins the task.
  • Simon’s adage is “Mark burns the candle at both ends.” Simon walks around when recording his message, which makes it particularly difficult to be understood; ultimately, Jonas is unable to figure out Simon’s message.
  • Tobias' adage is “Mark jumps over where the fence is lowest.” [cuts corners]. No footage of Jonas attempting to solve Tobias' recording is shown, but ultimately he is unable to.
  • After listening to Simon and Sofie’s tapes, and being unable to understand them, Jonas holds the VHS tapes up to a light to see if he can make out anything on the individual frames that might give him a clue. Jonas is not shown trying to solve Tobias' message. Finally, Jonas comes to Linda’s tape, and is able to make out most of it on his first listen, so he focuses on it. After taking guesses as to what Mark eats (cockerel, chocolate), he finally settles on ‘cocaine’ before running out of time. Jonas receives two points for every message he is able to understand; as he only guesses Linda's, he gets two points and comes second.

(Source credit: Jenny R)