
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Work out the length of a piece of string

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Without leaving the caravan, work out on long this piece of string is.

You have five minutes.

Most accurate answer wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Alice cut a piece of the string to be 5 foot 7 inches, her height, stating that was her answer.
  • Asim estimated the string was 500 feet long.
  • Liza pulled all the sting into the caravan but couldn't work out how to measure it, guessing it was 4 miles long.
  • Russell guessed the string was 31 metres/102 feet long.
  • Tim spent 15 minutes getting to the task, as he decided to follow the entire path of the string, in case he got disqualified for not doing so. He spent much of this time struggling to crawl through the play tunnel that the string passed through. He then decided to measure the string in lobsters, by wrapping it around a plastic lobster he found in the caravan. He estimates that the string is 308 lobsters long, with a lobster being 30cm.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)