
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the tallest stack

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the study. The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the tallest stack.

The stack cannot be supported, hung, or held when measured.

The stack is measured from its narrowest point upwards.

Tallest stack wins.

Olli will measure it in 12 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Vidar identifies that the narrowest part of his stack should be at the bottom, but that it doesn't have to be particularly narrow - just narrower that what's above. He begins his stack with a large plastic paint tub from the garage, then balances a heavy wooden cabinet on top of that, on the steps at the back of the Kongen Befaler house. The rest of his tower consists of six empty cardboard boxes, stacked up to the height of the balcony above. At the end of his attempt, the entire stack tips over on the steps, with Olli just stepping away from it in time to avoid being hit. In the studio, Olli reveals that Vidar's stack was measured, from the very bottom, at 3 metres and 89 centimetres. He therefore wins the task.
  • Leo initially plans to find the tallest tree nearby, and claim it as his stack, on the basis that the Bosnian word for 'tree' ['stablo'] sounds like the Norwegian word for 'stack' ['stabel']. After he realises that the words have different meanings, he sets about balancing a variety of furnishings from the study on top of one another, starting with a lamp which has a narrow stem. In the studio, Olli reveals that his stack was measured, from the bottom of the lamp, at 3 metres and 41 centimetres. He therefore earns second place in the task.
  • Lars goes hunting specifically for a tube, and eventually finds what he wants, in the form of a long clear plastic cylinder. He stands this on its end, and balances multiple items on top of it, including items of furniture, and board games. Unfortunately, he neglects to notice that a table he includes near the top of the stack has a single central support which is much narrower than his tube. In the studio, Olli reveals that Lars' stack, measured from the narrowest point of that table, was just 92 centimetres. He therefore earns third place in the task.
  • Karin decides to use a small book as the base of her stack, and asks Olli to stand on it. She then ascends a step-ladder, and climbs up to stand on Olli's shoulders, becoming the top item in the stack herself. At the moment of measuring, she lets go of the bannisters she is holding onto for support, so that her stack is free-standing. She neglects, however, to notice that multiple parts of her and Olli's bodies are narrower than the book, including her own upstretched arms and hands. In the studio, it is confirmed that the narrowest point of her stack was at the very top, but Olli charitably measures it at between 1 and 2 millimetres. She therefore earns fourth place in the task.
  • Hani forms part of her own stack, which consists of her standing on a step-ladder, holding a paddle up in the air. At the time of her attempt, she stated that the narrowest part of the stack would be her ankle, so it is unclear why she though standing on the ladder would be beneficial (perhaps she subsequently added the ladder, and assumed that one of its legs would count as the narrowest part?). She also neglected to notice that the shaft of the paddle she was holding was significantly narrower than her ankle and that, by holding it up herself, she was breaking one of the rules of the task. She is therefore disqualified from the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)