
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Perform a 30 second revue sketch

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is presented on a microphone stand in the living room. The brief for the task is as follows:

Create a revue character and perform a 30-second sketch.

The sketch must contain the character's name, occupation, a catchphrase, and a slapstick element.

The best character wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the living room, where a small stage has been set up, with stage lights, bunting, and a microphone.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Leo is not at all keen on the task, as he is not a performer. His character, Ludvig, a member of the fictional gang 'C-gang' (A-gang and B-gang are apparently real gangs in Oslo), enters the room holding a hand gun and a brass cockerel figurine. He addresses the room calmy, stating that he doesn't want to hurt anyone, but then says the cockerel he is holding will shoot anyone who crosses him. The bird then apparently whispers in Leo's ear, telling him to shoot himself. His sketch ends with him firing his hand gun wildly around the room, and then saying that he won't hurt anyone. In the studio, Leo is clearly embarrassed, and reluctant to discuss his performance. When he is unable to identify his catchphrase, Olli suggests that perhaps it was the last line of dialogue. Bård awards him third place, though Leo argues that he deserves more, since the other contestants are all performers, but gave disappointing performances.
  • Hani does not appear to dread the task, and quickly comes up with an idea for her character, and a plot in which Olli would play a statue that she would attempt to steal. Her character is named Hindiana Hussein, a former archaeologist turned 'Robin Hood'. She is wearing a tweed cloak, a blonde wig, and a clown's red nose. She performs her sketch entirely in English, as her character is trying to steal artefacts for the British Museum. The item she is trying to steal on this occasion is "the most beautiful sculpture ever to come out of Finland", Olli Wermskog. Olli is sat on the stage, holding a Finnish flag. She suggests that her cape makes her invisible to the cameras. She then states that the statue is very heavy and suggests that perhaps Olli needs to lose some weight. As she tries to steal the statue, it tips over, and its head 'comes off', and rolls across the floor (note: the head is the golden bust of Olli that Henriette Steenstrup brought in as a prize in season 6). Hani repeatedly exclaims "His head!", claiming this as her catchphrase. In the studio, the only thing Bård has to say about Hani's sketch is that her English was very good. He awards her fourth place.
  • Karin does not seem very keen on the task. She puts on a curly, dark wig, a headband, glasses, and fake teeth, and plays a young child named Anne Lise. Anne Lise attempts to perform a dance on the stage, but falls over and keeps wetting herself (in fact, her catchphrase is "I peed myself"). Bård praises her attempt for being everything a revue sketch should be, including not actually being funny. He ultimately awards her second place.
  • Lars is the only contestant who appears positively excited about the task. He predicts that his biggest competition will be Vidar, since he plays characters all the time. In his attempt, Lars - wearing a mullet wig - plays a character named Sivert, who interrupts Olli's Kongen Befaler seminar to suggest that the show should let ordinary people compete, and not just celebrities, because "it can't get any worse". He repeats this catchphrase many times during his performance, in which he stands up to get on stage, and everything falls apart around him (he is holding lengths of string tied to various items around the stage, which he pulls on, as he ascends). His sketch ends with him saying "It could actually get worse" into the camera. Bård awards him first place.
  • Vidar reacts very negatively to the task, since the word 'revue' gives him anxiety. Before his attempt is shown, footage is shown of him attaching colourful feathers to his head and face with a glue stick, while he describes the experience as being the darkest moment of his life. Bård's 40 second introduction for Vidar's attempt takes the form of a fairly detailed history of Vidar's achievements as an actor, comedian, and director, setting up a comically high standard against which his performance should be compared. Vidar introduces himself as the Swedish-speaking 'depression gnome' (thus coining the episode title), Furelina Värmlandskog, who is apparently struggling with the burden of all the depression he causes, and decides to 'kill himself' by blasting a leaf blower in his own face on full power. The device blows off only some of the colourful feathers that Vidar has glued to his face. In the studio, Bård immediately decries the performance as terrible, and awards Vidar last place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)