
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Drive your nail down as far as possible

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

Here we have a solid beam with five partially driven nails.

They're lined up in a row, and the task is to knock your nail down as far as you can.

But isn't there a twist? Of course there is.

You can only knock the nail down when you say a word in a given category.

Here I have many different categories, and you will each draw one.

You only get 30 seconds, and you can't say the same word twice.

Should you miss, you have used up that word.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on stage behind a thick piece of wood, held up on a wooden frame.
  • The wood has five very large nails partiall nailed into its top surface, and there is a hammer also laid on top of the wood.
  • Smaller nails have been knocked into the front of the wood, to provide hooks from which the contestants can hang the cards with their selected categories.
  • The categories available to the contestants are: underwear, contraceptives, words containing 'boll' ['bowl'/'bun'], Norwegian Prime Ministers, Norwegian sights, and 'accessories for sausages'.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Lars selects the category 'underwear'. He manages to name two items belonging to the category, but then misses the nail with his hammer both times. He then struggles for some time to name anything else that belongs in the category. He finally names something relevant, but his hammer glances off the nail, knocking it askew, and not any further into the wood, just as he runs out of time. He ends up in fourth place, in the task.
  • Karin selects the category 'contraceptives'. After naming the first relevant item, she misses the nail with her hammer. After her second, third and fourth accepted items, she actually manages to knock the nail in a little way each time. She then runs out of time while suggesting "sheet against sheet" as a means of contraception. She ends up in third place, in the task.
  • Leo selects the category of words containing 'bolle' ['bowl'/'bun']. He quickly names three accepted items for the category, giving the nail a good tap on each occasion with his hammer. His next suggestion is denied, but that is followed by two accepted suggestions, and two more good taps with the hammer. After another rejected answer, he gets one more accepted, and drives the nail in quite far. His final answer comes after his time is up, but he still knocks the nail in further. It is decided that they will consider deducting the additional tap from his result, if it looks like it might have been decisive. In the end, however, he is awarded first place.
  • Hani selects the category 'Norwegian Prime Ministers'. She is fairly quickly able to correctly name four PMs, and is able to actually hit her nail with the hammer, but doesn't hit it very hard. She then runs out of people she can name and, in the last few seconds, takes a guess that one of them might have been named Martin. She ends up in last place, in the task.
  • Vidar selects the category 'Norwegian sights'. His first suggestion is accepted, but the hammer glances off his nail. His next couple of suggestions are denied, and he struggles to think of anything else. He does manage to get two more suggestions accepted, though, and gives the nail a really good tap with the hammer both times, securing himself second place in the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)