
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Do something better

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the study, where it is laid on the desk. The brief for the task is as follows:

Do something better.

Best improvement wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Karin decides to improve her own entrance to the task, and also decides to improve Olli's reception of her. The retake of her entrance begins with Olli banging the gavel on the desk and loudly announcing her arrival. He then applauds her as she enters the room beaming with joy, and gives her a big, welcoming hug. Karin presents Olli with a single red rose in a vase, and he pulls her chair out for her, at the desk. After she states that she has been looking forward to the task all day, Olli takes the task brief off the desk, and tears it up for her. He then picks her up and carries her out of the room, stating that they are going out on the town instead. Bård awards her third place.
  • Vidar decides to do something twice, and make it much better the second time around. The thing he decides to do and then redo is arrive at the Kongen Befaler house in a vehicle. For his first run, he sits in a hand wagon, and pulls himself up the driveway on a rope he has tied to something. He gets as far as the garages before trying to change direction, and falling out of the wagon. For his improved redo, he arrives at the back of the house driving an actual car, and parks it at the end of a red carpet. As Olli sprays the car with water from a hose, Vidar gets out holding a bottle of champagne and two flutes. He pops the cork and fills the glasses, giving one to Olli before drinking from the other himself. He then plants a kiss right on Olli's lips, before heading inside the house. In the studio, Bård points out that he's never seen Vidar look so cool, which Vidar immediately agrees with. Bård awards him second place in the task.
  • Lars decides that he is going to make Olli better, by giving him a massage and teaching him Spanish. His treatment of Olli, in the lab, begins with the threat of a potential colonic irrigation, though, and he appears to only teach him how to describe his genitals as 'gigantic'. Bård awards him fourth place.
  • Leo decides to 'improve' the fountain in the garden by adding dish soap to it, and then sticking the broken-off head of a bird ornament to a child's rocking horse which is missing its head. The resulting chimera is then also added to the fountain. After adding more water to the fountain, to increase the bubbles, Leo claims he has improved the value of the property by improving its garden. In the studio, Bård points out that Leo's attempt was on the borderline between improvement and vandalism. Leo ultimately places last in the task.
  • Hani decides that she wants to go back and redo her attempt at the 'Hold the coffee pots above the microwaves' task and, this time, to take Olli's advice and not open the task brief. She is then seen doing exactly that, and immediately leaving the lab, with the timer still running. In the studio, Bård is super-impressed with her thinking, and decides to accept her improved attempt at the previous task, retroactively putting her in first place, meaning that everyone else but Leo drops one place in the rankings for that task. He also gives her the win for this task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)