
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the longest line of masking tape

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

In front of you, you see a starting line, and boxes that are adapted to your size, kind of.

You can get in them.

Inside the box there is tape that you can attach to the starting line.

The task is to stick the longest continuous tape along the floor.

The tape must not cross anyone else's tape, or your own tape, and if it breaks, you must go all the way back and start over, but then the tape that has already been used is annulled.

You get one minute starting... now.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on stage, each stood behind a cardboard box which has been chosen according to their body size (although these seems slightly inconsistent).
  • Each contestant is also provided with a roll of masking tape.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Hani decides to stay put in her box and simply lay the tape down in a winding path around it, using the area immediately around her to the greatest effect. With a final length of 6.5 metres, Hani earns third place.
  • Karin makes a lot of noise as she shunts forward across the stage in her box, laying the tape down as she goes. As Leo's initial tape line veers into her path, she has to divert her own line away from him. As she reaches the edge of the stage, her tape breaks, but she decides to remain where she is rather than starting again. With a final length of 7 metres, Karin earns second place.
  • Lars decides to unreel a huge amount of his tape and then move forwards towards the edge of the stage near the end of the allotted time, trailing it behind him. However, his tape ends up all bunched up in a pile, dragging behind him as he reaches the edge of the stage, and is no longer attached to the starting line. He makes some effort to return and start again, but he does not have enough time left to do so. With a total length of zero metres, he places last.
  • Leo shuffles sideways in his box, laying the tape out on the ground as he goes, but veering off towards Karin, next to him, and forcing her to detour. His tape then breaks, so he returns to the starting line and decides to instead copy Hani's strategy of laying the tape in a winding path around his box. Towards the end of the task, he reverts back to making a straight line towards the edge of the stage. With a final length of 4.5 metres, Leo earns fourth place.
  • Vidar sits backwards in his box and sticks the tape down as he pushes himself towards the edge of the stage. With a final length of 9.9 metres, Vidar earns first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)